18 December 2004

My Christmas Card List

The wonderful thing about the internet is making friends in so many places. I never would have known any of them without the joys of cyberspace! I have friends in countries I've never set foot in, and I don't even have to wait weeks or months for letters to get to them by snail mail to correspond.

A shame it doesn't work as easily sending proper Christmas cards. With all the hassle of work, school and family, I forgot to post my Christmas cards! For those of you in the UK, like Sandra and Si, Jo & Alex, you'll probably get them before Christmas arrives. But for others of you (Nati, Gary and Pete & family), it'll probably be into the New Year before they show up! I'm sending you guys a bit of champagne as well. Except Nati. You get something different.

Next year I promise to be more organised. Okay, I said that last year. Let's call it my New Year's resolution, not just to get Christmas cards sent out on time, but to do everything before it's overdue. Taking my library books back for instance. I'll probably save a small fortune on fines if I manage that one. Oh, and paying the rent. Because I have to make a special trip to do it, I always forget. Well, not always because obviously we haven't been kicked out of the house yet. (Fingers crossed!)

It's a good thing I sent Christmas cards to most of my family (sorry Kim!) with Malorie and Braden. It saved postage and ensured delivery. Kim, yours is on the way too, along with your present, as soon as I can find a box to put it in. Maybe it'll show up before your birthday. ;-)


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