18 December 2004

Never Discuss Politics With Your Family!

My grandmother phoned me today from Texas. I can't remember the last time I spoke to her, so it was absolutely wonderful to hear the sound of her voice! She wanted to be sure to wish me a Merry Christmas, and I suppose she was worried she wouldn't be able to catch me next weekend.

The conversation took a strange twist, however. We had been discussing the exchange rate between the dollar and the pound when she told me she had been worried about me and the kids because from what she has seen on the telly, the British HATE Americans and Europeans HATE Americans. I responded that there was no reason to worry. I've never come across any anti-American feeling directed towards me. The kids have never had problems either. I added that it's not Americans that the British and Europeans (in general, of course, I know there are exceptions) don't like. It's George Bush. Her reply was, "Oh." I told her I'm asked frequently about George Bush, particularly because I'm from Texas, but it's never caused me any trouble because I don't like the man.

I should have kept my mouth shut. Her response was, "Well, I do!" I know the tone of my grandmother's voice. She wasn't happy with me. I hurriedly pointed out that I know she likes him and tried to change the subject. I thought that if she paid any attention to Tony Blair, she'd know about New Labour and be against a lot of what they stand for, so I said "I don't particularly like Tony Blair either", and I laughed.

Wrong again. Her response was, "Well, I do!" Oh dear. My recovery was pretty good though. I hurriedly explained that the reasons I'm not fond of Blair have more to do with domestic politics than anything else. Personally I actually like Blair, as opposed to Bush who raises my hackles just with the sound of his voice. He always has though, even when he was one of the directors of the Texas Rangers and not in politics.

The conversation almost abruptly ended. She did stop before saying good bye to tell me that she's recovering nicely from a fall she had recently, which I had meant to ask her about but forgot in the excitement of speaking to her.

I'm glad I didn't tell her that I'm hoping to work on this death penalty appeal project. Oh boy. I'd probably never get another Christmas or birthday card!


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