22 December 2005

Bah Humbug!

Why are there so many Scrooges out there? Obviously there are extra stresses associated with Christmas, especially where shopping is concerned, but some people just seem to turn their nastiness up a notch when it's just not necessary. Like the man behind me in the queue in Morrison's today. Yes, it was a very long queue. All of them were. The queues were so long we were stretched down the frozen food aisle. Once you got to the front of a queue, you were directed to the next available checkout by a pleasant Morrison's employee handing out free chocolate.

The man behind me kept ramming my trolley with his. How that was going to make the queue move faster, I never did figure out. And when you spend a lot of time staring at different food items, sometimes you just get to thinking, "I wouldn't mind giving that a try". That happened to me with the brussel sprouts with chestnuts. Ordinarily I would have passed them by, but the more adventurous side of me decided to go for it and get a bag. The same happened with the buy-one-get-one-free lobster tails. And every time I put an additional item in my trolley, the man behind me got more irritated and rammed my trolley again. This was despite the fact that I only had about 15 items in total to start with, and despite the fact that his wife was off doing the last of her shopping while he stood in the queue. Every few minutes she would reappear and add something else to their overflowing load of shopping.

Finally I was at the front of the queue. The girl directing the flow of traffic smiled and gave me some chocolate. That was a smooth move. Offer me chocolate and I'm anyone's friend. The man behind me wasn't so thrilled though. As soon as he even thought a checkout was close to being available, he would ram my trolley and say "Why don't you go to that one?" I politely said, "I will when I'm directed to go there."

I'll bet this man is the kind who will go home and complain about how horrible all the other shoppers were and how they need a good dose of the Christmas spirit!


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