23 November 2004

I Always Knew Chocolate Was A Miracle Drug!

A recent article from Reuters citing a study by Imperial College London states that chocolate may hold a cure for coughs. Evidently there is a chemical called "theobromide" in cocoa, which is "more effective in stopping persistent coughs than codeine, currently considered the best cough medicine" but with no adverse side effects such as drowsiness. I won't go into any more detail. This article can be found here.

My reaction to this news was "I knew it"! Hey, millions of women can't be wrong. We've said for years that chocolate makes us feel better, and here's proof that there might be something to it. Now if I can manage to catch a cough and cold to coincide with the one week a month that I eat enough chocolate to fill the back seat of a compact car (I haven't quite reached the people carrier level), I'll have it made.

Once the scientist are finished studying the medical properties of chocolate, do you think they could come up with chocolate that doesn't lose any of the taste but doesn't make you gain weight? If I win the lottery, I'll fund it.


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