24 June 2005

20 Year Reunion

This weekend is my graduating class' 20 year reunion. The Class of 1985 from North Garland High School is getting together to celebrate the fact that we're growing old.

I, for one, won't be there.

I went to my 10 year reunion, and I had a good laugh. The people who were my friends back then when we were young and foolish were still my friends, and the people who were popular and too good for the likes of me still seemed to think they were too good for the likes of me. I was hoping to go to this one to see if they'd been brought down a peg or two.

I did notice that all those girls who skipped drill team practice (while I sweated away with high kicks and jump splits) to go lie on tanning beds looked like they were already in their late 30s in 1995, while I was still getting carded when I bought beer. That's good enough to keep me out of the sun without sunscreen.

I would have gone to this reunion, too, if the organisers had been kind enough to give those of us living overseas (of which I'm sure there are a few -- there were in 1995) time to make arrangements. Unfortunately, they weren't that thoughtful. Had they held it in the autumn during Homecoming like they did in 1995, I could have made it.

Most of all I really wanted to catch up with a few people. Fortunately there are those I keep in touch with by email: Rick Reynard, Matha Harris, Harold Pickett, Shun Goosby, Seleta Earhart ... But I was hoping to find my best friend from all those years ago, Elizabeth Castillo. And I need Eric Zahn's new email address! Hopefully they'll have some kind of directory with up-to-date info in it.

So, instead of rushing out tonight to hang out in a bar with a lot of people who probably don't remember me, a lot of people who probably do but don't care, and a few people I miss a lot, I'm going to crack open a bottle of something nice here at home and toast the Class of '85 from my living room.

At least they can't see how much weight I've gained!


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