13 June 2005

Teenagers! Sheesh! Part 2

***** Warning: If you're a teenager, don't read this because you'll just get pissed off and leave me comments that make me feel guilty, and I really can do without that at the moment. I do realise that I am making sweeping generalisations that do not fit with the whole world, so I am ranting and raving about the idiots that I come into contact with in my own little part of the planet. If you are one of the teenagers living near me, particularly those I am acquainted with, then I probably am blogging about you and I don't apologise. To everyone else, I do. *****

Okay, I can't let this one lie ... How, in one generation, did teenagers become so damn STUPID?????? Why do they have to wage war against each other for no apparent reason, or for reasons that are so non-sensical they are hard to comprehend? My daughter was assaulted at her school because she evidently looked at another girl funny. And that's considered a valid reason for assault amongst a lot of her schoolmates!

When did teenagers decide that the world owes them rather than they need to work for what they want? Hard work? No chance. They want everything given to them on a platter. Designer gear, iPods, MP3 players, etc. I know one teenager who complains that his dad doesn't spend a fortune on him at Christmas, even though the family doesn't have a fortune to spend, and I know other families who increase their debt every year to buy things for their teens. Are those teens thankful? Nope. They see it as their right.

And rules? What rules? Those of us parents who care enough to make rules have them thrown back in our faces half the time and ignored the other half! Simple things like look both ways before you cross the street are rules not worth paying attention to. I'm not lying here, I have lost count of the number of teenagers I could have killed if I hadn't slammed on my brakes and thanked God I make my own kids wear seat belts in the car. They just don't look because they've been told that paedestrians have the right of way.

Some parents don't even bother with rules. No rules at home, so why should they follow the rules of society? Kids pass my house late at night (or should I say early in the morning?), and if I have my windows open, you can hear them shouting every swear word they know just to make themselves sound important. They aren't important. They just sound stupid to me.

Okay, my rant here probably hasn't made a lot of sense, but these kids need two things: 1) a sense of responsibility; 2) discipline. I don't mean beat them, but there are so many who don't seem to have a sense of responsibility, either for other people or their own actions. Nothing is their fault, and I'm fed up of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the other hand, as a parent of teenagers there is only so much you can do. You do your darndest, but at some point they are going to do what they want. Parenting is a tough job, no?

My main complaint is that so many people, teenagers or not, think that the world owes them something. Make it happen people!!

Thanks for the rant & for letting me rant in reply ;-)

8:09 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I agree 100%! Parenting is rough, a lot rougher than when my parents were doing it, and that comes from them not me! I remember how I could roam the neighbourhood all day during the summer, and as long as I showed up for meals, that was cool. Now I'm scared half to death to let my seven and eight year olds onto the next street!

I think I've got the message through to my oldest son, who is 15, that if you want the nice things in life, you have to work for them, but there are definitely things more important than material possessions. My daughter hasn't got a clue. She thinks that if she wants something, call Daddy and ask.

And my kids are pretty good compared to a lot of the ones I know!

Isn't it nice having a rant when you need one! ;-)

10:12 pm  

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