19 July 2005


I have goals set out for myself. In the past, some of my goals have gone by the wayside when I've become discouraged or bored. Not this time. I've got to change my way of thinking and get these done right!

My first goal is to get down to 10 and a half stone (133 pounds). I'm pushing 40, and if I don't lose the weight and keep it off, it's only going to get harder. So far so good. I've lost half a stone (7 pounds is half a stone, though I've actually lost 7.5 pounds) in the past two weeks. That's a good start. The first week I lost a lot of weight, but two pounds this week is excellent because they say that if you lose at that rate, you're more likely to keep the weight off.

Part of my determination came from being glad that I didn't attend my high school's 20 year reunion. I was so skinny back in school! When I graduated at 18, I weighed 6 stone 11 pounds (95 pounds), and I had a 19 inch waist. While there's no way on earth I want to ever be that skinny again, I want to be slim. I've had four kids so I've earned some "battle scars", and I like the saying that I'm built for comfort, not for speed. But I don't want to be fat anymore.

My second goal is to graduate next year from university with a first class degree. Right now I'm on the borderline between a 2:1 and a 2:2. A 2:1 might be good enough for Prince William, but he doesn't have to find a job. I can still get a first if I try my hardest. It won't be easy, not when you consider I have those four kids and a fifth at the weekends, and when I have a hubby who is more of a computer addict than I am.

I didn't get the highest honours when I graduated from university the first time around, but I was at the top of the class. I know I can do it. It's going to mean some long hours in the library while the kids are at school and in bed and little social life, but I'll make up for it after I graduate with a proper holiday, a good job and, hopefuly, a career I love.


Blogger g d townshende said...

Of course you can do it, Melinda. :D

I was feeling a bit discouraged yesterday, because of a complete lack of progress, but I know it's my own fault. Nonetheless, I ended up very encouraged at the end of the day, and all because of a certain monster. I'll say no more on that.

8:52 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I goofed today! LOL I bought a pasta salad, worked out how many WW points it would be, ate it, and realised I miscalculated! Looks like it's carrot sticks for me for the rest of today! ;-)

2:53 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

Two pounds a week is very ambitious. Lose more than that, though, and you're losing more than just fat. You're losing muscle. You don't want to do that. One or two pounds a week is a good rate. That's what I was doing.

I'm not sure, but I think I may finally be back on a losing track. I hope so.

10:04 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I'd love to be instantly thin, but that just ain't gonna happen, so two pounds a week is okay with me. :-)

There's a commercial for Special K's diet they show over here where people keep pointing to this woman and calling her a "loser". We can both be a couple of losers in that case, Gary! ;-)

12:26 am  

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