23 September 2005

The Ex-Husband Strikes Again

I was helping Jack with his homework this afternoon, and he was struggling to come up with his own original sentences using words given to him by his teacher. He told me that last week when he did the same type assignment, he struggled with the word "thinner". His dad came up with a sentence for him.

"My mum was fat, but now she's thinner."

I don't know whether to be mad at being called fat or appreciate that he knows I've lost weight. I also don't know if he's aware I've lost weight because 1) he reads my blog, 2) the boys have told him, or 3) he's noticed.

I think Jack comes up with better sentences on his own. A few years ago, when he had to write about what he did over his summer holidays, he came up with a story about how they stayed in a caravan park and went to the fun fair. In the middle of it, out of nowhere, he added, "My dad has false teeth." That story hung in the school hall for a month.

Yes, I think I came off better by being thinner.


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