01 December 2005

Eccentricity Quiz

You are a:
Humourous EccentricWhen you're around there is rarely a dry eye in the room. Where there is raucous laughter or contagious giggles, you're the source of the fun. You are exuberant, outrageous and passionate. Although constantly the centre of attention, you're still amused by the effect you have on people. You would be the first to crack a smile on the face of strangers with your dry wit.

Try it yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny Quiz!
Kinda strange that with only so little questions the answer isnt far from the truth!! I am a:

Closet eccentric

Reliable, trustworthy and consistent, friends queue up to hear your valuable advice. You are very popular and love your social life. You're happiest when spending time chilling out with friends. You are creative and can be opinionated but you don't always show it, as you're concerned about saying and doing the right thing. The truth is, you should trust your instincts more and let your eccentric side out more often. How about switching the pub this weekend for a spot of Haggis rolling?

2:19 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I thought the same thing about the result I got. I wouldn't say I'm the centre of attention, but the rest is pretty close!

2:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine is scarily accurate too - other than the last bit about inspiring others!

Interesting about the vivid dreams though!!!! LOL,

You are a:
Inspirational eccentric

You are happy in your own skin and totally aware that you are a little eccentric! You are curious by nature and willing to give anything a go – from pea shooting to toe wrestling! You are totally absorbed by your interests and enjoy your own company – losing yourself in your deepest thoughts is favourite pastime. You're a visionary – thinking using visual images by day, vivid dreams by night. You relish in your own individuality and the power you have to inspire others.

2:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I think is great too is that when you read the description of those 3 caracters you can be proud to be that character and therefore of yourself!! Unlike other quizzes!

3:08 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

I scored just like you did, Melinda. What the hell? :P It was probably that answer about being bloody polite that did it! Hmmph!

4:23 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

We're just too polite for our own good, I guess.

11:10 am  

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