26 December 2005

How'd I Do?

On New Year's Day this year, I posted my goals for 2005 on my blog. I thought that, before I post my goals for 2006, I'd have a look at what I was supposed to have done this year because I might need to carry them over for another 365 days!

1. Get on top of debt. Uhhhhhh, no. I did get caught up on some things, but others slid downhill. The important things, like rent, insurance, etc are in good shape though.

2. Make payments on time. Again, not entirely a success. Rent has made a definite improvement. One of my credit cards is in good shape, but the other is, well, not too far behind.

3. Start the ball rolling to buy this house. We decided to wait until I'm finished with uni and working.

4. Make the shop run at a profit. What shop?

5. Stop procrastinating with my studies. Ahhhh! Finally one I can say I've made great progress with! I have several things due in February, and I have set myself a timetable for doing them. I was also well prepared when I took my exams in May, even if I didn't do very well in Criminal Law.

6. Keep in better touch with family and friends. Yes, I can honestly say I've made vast improvements. Shell and I get together regularly (weekly if possible). I re-joined my high school forum on Yahoo. I even tried to keep in touch with Pete, even if he didn't reciprocate. I notice that I originally said, "I used to send him emails every day, and he said he loved reading them just because it showed someone cared." Now I don't think he even bothers reading them. I still send one every now and then, but I rarely hear back from him.

7. Finish decorating in the places I've started. I'd have to give myself 5 out of 10. I can only do so much. I've tried motivating Simon to do his part so I can do mine, but it's not working.

8. Keep the house tidier. Room for improvement, but I've made progress.

9. Have the occasional day off to do something frivilous. I've turned that into taking time out to work out, take Tae Kwon Do, and meet up with Shell or Kate for some relaxing chat. So I'd say I've done pretty well with it.

10. Get back into photography. Yep, I've done a good job with this one! I always take my camera with me when I'm off doing something like walking.

11. Lose weight! Yippee!!!!!!!! I've lost two and a half stone and counting!

12. Have a real holiday. No, I never got there. But we did have a night away in Kent when I went karting, and that was more of a break than Simon and I have ever had on our own!

13. Spend more mother-daughter time with Malorie. Again, a 50/50 success. We're getting there though.

14. Encourage my children to read more. I've bought them all books throughout the year. I try to make Ricky and Jack read before their allowed any computer games. Braden ... well, for a boy who is so clever, he just refuses to read anything if he can avoid it.

So there are a few of these I definitely will be carrying over to my 2006 list, some I can put aside, and a couple I can claim a degree of success.


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