03 December 2005

I Did It!!!!!

I passed my grading today, so now I'm a yellow stripe belt in Tae Kwon Do! Not only did I pass, my instructor said I got an "A pass", the highest you can get. The only problem with that is that, when I go for my next grading, he says I'll be held to a higher standard to keep the "A pass".

I didn't get the actual belt today because he forgot to take them to our lesson after the grading. I'll get that Wednesday. For now, this is what I look/looked like as a white belt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic news. Congratulations!

Swifty had better watch out ;-)

5:19 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

LMAO Somehow I don't think he needs to worry any time soon. I don't even know what belt he has. He could be a fifth degree black belt for all I know! ;-)

I still think I'm probably more of an equal to my nine year old nephew.

5:21 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

Cool! :D I guess it's official now, right? You can really, erm, KICK ASS! :P :D LOL

Oh, and look! I don't see any pink marshmallow, either! :P In fact, if that's a marshmallow, it's a poor excuse for one because it's so scrawny. :P Just kidding, Melinda. You look great! :D

8:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!! You did it!!! Not that I had doubts!! Congratulations, I am proud of you!!

8:55 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I don't know about kicking ass, but I'm definitely learning how to! ;-)

I've been getting that pink marshmallow skirt and top washed and ironed. They're going on ebay! LOL

8:56 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Thanks Diana! I got your message on Yahoo when I got home! :-)

8:58 pm  
Blogger letti said...

woohoo!! congratulations! i did taekwondo in college and so i know what you had to train for..Good job!

5:18 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

Thanks Letti! I've really been enjoying it, and I'm ready to get started with the stuff I need for my yellow belt!

12:50 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

I've been getting that pink marshmallow skirt and top washed and ironed. They're going on ebay! LOL

Cool! :D I know a ring of mine that NEEDS to be put on EBay, as well! LOL :D How about you kick MY arse, just so that I finally get that eye-sore of a ring out of my place? :P :D

4:14 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

Have you gone to any local pawn shops? They might give you a good deal. If not, ebay it, dude! :-)

11:08 am  
Blogger g d townshende said...

No, I've not gone to any pawn shops,... yet. First, I want to get it appraised. I want to find out how much the thing is worth. That way, if I decide to put it up on EBay, I can set the reserve price more intelligently. Of course, I'll probably see what a pawn shop would be willing to give me for it, too.

It's funny. I was talking about doing this at this time last year, but I never did it. Remember that?

I do remember a lady at one of the jewelry shops telling me that before Christmas is a bad time to take a ring to a shop to sell it, as they're trying to sell things, not buy them. So, once again, I will have to wait until the new year before I do this... IF! I remember to do it! LOL :P

6:21 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I shall try my hardest to remind you. ;-)

6:42 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

Heh. Yeah. Just kick my ass with your tae kwan do, if I don't, okay? :P

7:20 pm  

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