03 December 2005

Not Much Going On Here

There isn't a heck of a whole lot to report from Melinda's Puddled World today. I did a bit of shopping, wrapped a lot of presents, packaged some up to go to Texas and spent the evening at Shell's. I meant to do some stretching and practicing for my grading tomorrow, but I never seemed to get around to it, and now it's just after midnight. A bit too late to get started now.

I also wanted to put the Christmas tree up, but, of course, Simon never got around to getting it out of the attic. I should have known he wouldn't. It'll probably be two days before Christmas before he drags himself out from in front of the computer long enough to go get it. Saying that, I did manage to persuade him to go out with Allan tonight. Yes, a wife who actually encouraged her husband to go to the pub. And that was after I cooked him a steak dinner!

* * * * * * * * * *

Awwww, man! Four o'clock in the morning, and I'm wide awake! Telly's rubbish, and there's nothing interesting on the internet. I would still be asleep, but Simon pushed me off the bed!


Blogger g d townshende said...

Most of my Christmas shopping is done! Yay! :D All the presents for my sons are bought, all the presents for my girlfriend are bought. Now all that's left are a few gifts for my mum. Then I'll be completely done...

...except, that is, for getting them wrapped, and getting the gifts for the boys in the mail, and getting the gifts for my girlfriend in the mail. Right now, I'm wanting to get hers in the mail first, as it will take more time for hers to cross the Atlantic than it will for my sons' gifts to go a mere 720 miles.

I'll be glad when the shopping, wrapping, and mailing is all done!

Also, at 4a your time, I was still up. You could've emailed me, you know. I would've chatted with you. :)

8:07 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I still have a few bits, but nothing major to buy. Thank goodness! I started posting things to the US yesterday. According to the Royal Mail website, I have until the 12th to get presents over in time for Christmas.

You know, I didn't think about anyone being online when I was up at 4 am! Then again, I don't usually think that early in the morning! ;-)

8:55 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

Until the 12th, huh? Not even express mail will let you mail any later than that?

I got my girlfriend's gifts mailed a couple of days ago. They'll get there in plenty of time, but the only question is, "How long will it take to get to her place once the gifts are in country?"

4:18 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

I suppose express mail would still get them there on time, but it would cost me a small fortune. I'm making sure the nieces' and nephews' presents get posted before the 12th. The grown-ups will have to wait until a week or so after Christmas.

6:55 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

I pity the grown-ups. :P

7:24 pm  

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