21 December 2004

PMT Rampage

Ordinarily, I'm one of the most mild-mannered, albeit goofy, people you could hope to meet. I'm a real pussycat. But today, I have PMT, and I feel like biting someone's head off, so instead of doing that, I'll rage against the world by blog. Men, if you are thinking "Oh no, not another one, I have to listen to enough of this shit at home/work/school", then please read no further. I'll never know.

One thing that's set me off today, in particular, is that I haven't had a day off in weeks. I've either been 1) at university, 2) writing essays for university, 3) taking kids to the airport and attending school functions, 4) working in the shop, 5) making candles for customers, friends, family and teachers, 6) doing other general necessary stuff like cooking, cleaning (in a fashion) and shopping for food. I NEED A DAY OFF!

I was looking forward to having today off, but Simon still has a cold. While he sat at the kitchen table and looked miserable, I dashed around like a headless chicken getting the boys ready for school, de-icing the car, and getting me ready for work. No make-up again today. By the time I left the house, he was snoring on the couch. I'm not sure he even went to bed last night. When I went upstairs at 1.00 am, he was still playing on the computer. I would have gone to bed sooner, but I had forgotten to make four baby powder scented candles that need to be posted today.

I'm also getting annoyed with the number of emails I've been getting offering to help me enlarge my penis. If I had a penis, I wouldn't have PMT.


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