28 February 2005

Diary Entry

9.45 am Just back from the dentist. He's given me some strong antibiotics. I look like Marlon Brando. I have to go back next Monday for a root canal, once the infection is gone. I'd rather go through natural childbirth again than this!

6.29 pm This infection is terrible. Fortunately the swelling is going down a bit now, and the pain isn't as excruciating, but I've been vomiting all morning and afternoon. I have candle orders coming out my ears, and I can't stand up long enough to do them! Hopefully the antibiotics will do their job so I'm feeling better tomorrow.

10.38 pm I was hoping to go to uni tomorrow, at least to my criminal justice systems lecture and to study, but if I still feel like this in the morning, the farthest I'll be moving out of bed is downstairs for a drink! I ate a bit earlier, and felt okay, but now I'm nauseated again. Must be the infection, not to mention all the tablets I'm on now. I emailed Jamie, hoping he'll pass on anything important that happens in tomorrow's lecture if I don't make it, and warning him that I look like Marlon Brando on one side of my face. Everyone else can laugh, I don't care.


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