01 February 2005

Diary Entry

7.42 am Two sick little boys again today. Jack has a very nasty chesty cough, so I've just given him some medicine and sent him back to bed. Ricky says he's not very well either, though I have a feeling his are mostly sympathy pains and a desire to miss another day of school. I'm staying home from school myself, not because I want to, but because I'm a mum first, no matter how much a feminist I might be, and the kids need me. Simon said he would look after them, but I'd only worry about them. Besides, I can make up two of my three lectures later this week. The only one I can't make up is criminal justice systems. I'll just spend today going over the notes and tomorrow reading in the library to make up for it.

1.23 pm My god, my daughter is going to be 16 tomorrow. I've tried to accept it for the past six months since I knew it was coming, but I think part of me has also been in denial. In America, it would have been "How nice, she's 16". But things are a bit different in England. I think I'll do a full-ish post on my other blog about it.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't seem to be able to get enough sleep. I guess it's the time of year. A lot of people have the same problem. I have noticed that in September and October I seem to need less sleep and have more energy. It could be that the long summer nights energise me in a way, and by this time of year, after months of more darkness than light, it has taken it's toll. I've always been a night owl anyway, but this is ridiculous!

Considering how badly Jack was coughing and wheezing this morning, you wouldn't know it now! He's back to his normal self with just the cough, and that's not as bad as it was thanks to cough medicine.

7.34 pm Well, Malorie's off to a good start if she's planning on turning 16 tomorrow! She's already more than half an hour late. She keeps telling me she wants to be treated like an adult, but she doesn't seem to want to follow the simplest rules. Not that any of my kids are "bad kids", but it's aggravating when they can't follow the basics. I'm not that strict.

She just came in, and she said she didn't come in at 7.00 because Braden told her they didn't have to be home until 7.30. That's funny. She only came in because I sent Braden over to Leah's house to get her! She's upset now because I've told her I'd planned to do something to surprise her tomorrow for her birthday but now she's going to spend it grounded. I thought about taking Malorie, Braden and Simon out for dinner.

9.59 pm I've just spent over an hour putting together some photos and stories about Malorie for her 16th birthday. They're on my Scrambled Mind blog. I'm going to sit down and try to make her a special card now that she's gone to bed. Then it's off to bed soon for me. I've got to get up and go to that criminal law lecture since I missed my regular one today. Thank goodness two of my lectures are early in the week so that if I miss them I can attend the second one. They don't do that with criminology though because there aren't as many students.

I'm just waiting for Pete to send me a new song he's recorded. I love his music. I'm hoping to put the ones I have so far to listen to in the car.

12.15 am Well bugger. I made Malorie's card, and for a first attempt, I thought it turned out pretty good! I was going to take a picture of it and post it on here, but wouldn't you know? The batteries in the camera have gone dead! I'll have to do it tomorrow after she opens it. She's going to have to wait all day for her presents. My mum and dad never let me open presents the morning of my birthday. In fact, sometimes I'd have to wait until the weekend when all my family would get together before I could open presents.

I'm quite impressed with it. Maybe I'm more artistic than I thought I was. Then again, it's hard to go wrong when you're sticking stickers onto a card and then colouring in between the lines!


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