04 July 2005

The Results Are In

They've posted results from university on the internet today. I can't say I'm overly impressed with how I did, but I know I put a lot of effort into my work.

Someone asked me recently what, in my experience, is the difference between going to university in the US and England. One of the things I told her was that the level of support you get from your faculty in the US is much higher. You aren't spoon-fed the answers, but you are given a lot more guidance in regards to what is expected of you.

Here, it's sink or swim. Sometimes you can find a sympathetic member of staff who will give you some help -- my criminal law tutor Dennis was brilliant for that, so it's my own fault I did so poorly in that module -- and sometimes you come across those who look at you as if you dropped off another planet if you ask for help.

I have one more year to go, and I have two options as far as my overall results. First year results are pass/fail and count 0% of the overall degree. Then the two options kick in: either year two counts 25% and year three 75%, or year three counts 100%. Fortunately they pick the one that favours the student.

There won't be much time for blogging once the new term starts in October, I'm afraid!


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