31 August 2005

More Neighbours from Hell

The strange family around the corner I mentioned in my last post on my neighbours don't seem so quirky anymore. They have always been troubled, but now I'm a rat's whisker away from calling Social Services to come investigate.

This is not your traditional family. The mother, as I mentioned before, is my best friend's husband's ex-wife. I call her "MeatLoaf" because she looks like the singer. Her oldest child is from that marriage. He's 16, the same as my daughter. After their marriage broke up, she had her oldest daughter with one bloke, then moved in with the guy who lives there now, Vince. They had two or three more little girls (I'm not sure how many there are, to be honest!). But MeatLoaf has her own house at the other end of the estate, and Vince lives around the corner with all four or five of the kids, including the two who aren't his biologically.

Vince has always done his best, in a odd sort of way, but he is so bullied by MeatLoaf it's unbelievable. Now she has evidently kicked him out of his house! He's moved in with his parents on the coast, and the 16-year-old son is in charge of the girls. MeatLoaf won't take responsibility for them because she is more interested in her beer than anything else.

I'm trying to find out what of this is true and what is neighbourhood gossip because if she has left a 16-year-old in charge of his younger sisters, Social Services definitely needs to get involved. They should probably be involved anyway, if they aren't already.

I definitely need to go buy a couple of lottery tickets for tonight's draw. That isolated house somewhere in the countryside is becoming an obsession with me!


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