04 December 2005

Decorating for Christmas

The tree is up! We don't have a very big tree because we're limited for space. Okay, I suppose we could have a really big one, but with five kids and a dog, it's not very practical. Besides, a smaller tree makes it look like there are a lot more presents under it!

I haven't found anything to go on the top of the tree yet because the last few years I've had gold ornaments and a gold star, and this year the ornaments are silver and white. If I can't find anything in the next couple of weeks, I think the kids and I might try to make something.

The neighbour from hell across the road is putting up Tim "the Toolman" Taylor grade lights. It started out looking nice a few days ago. Then yesterday they added more. Today they're adding even more. The spotlight was bad enough! I'll try to snap a picture tonight and post it. In my humble opinion, less is more. I'll stick with my tasteful lights in the living room window and wreath on the door.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmm, what classy neighbours it sounds like you have! Just make sure that they're not tapping into your electricity supply to power their work of "art"!!

5:56 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Don't worry, if they were using our electric supply, I could easily cut them off! It's a pity, really! LMAO

7:13 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

You know, two presents still look like two presents, no matter how large the tree! :P LMAO! :P :P :P

Honestly, though, I've come to prefer smaller trees myself. Why? Simple. Less hassle. :)

4:11 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

There were three presents under the tree in the pic. You just couldn't see the third! :-P

There are more under there now. The kids are thrilled because they're now spilling out from under the tree.

11:07 am  
Blogger g d townshende said...

Man. I can remember Christmases where it seemed like the living room was just overflowing with presents!!! :D

6:16 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Yeah, same here. I can also remember my dad hiding the best presents so that we thought we'd opened everything. Or he'd wrap my mother's present in multiple boxes so she'd have to work hard for it!

6:40 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

We would see all sorts of presents under the tree when my brother and I went to bed, then, when we woke up, there would be more!!! Some of them too big to be wrapped! Like bikes and things of that sort. :D

I can't wait to move down to Georgia. I want to do that for my sons, too. :D

7:17 pm  

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