22 December 2004

So Much for the Christmas Spirit!

Today I remembered why I hate shopping in the run up to Christmas. Despite it being the season for peace on earth, good will to all men, there are some people who turn into real bastards once they set off onto their Christmas shopping trips. Maybe they're like it all the time but resent the intrusion of Merry Christmas into their lives.

The fight for spaces in the car park is only the first hurdle. Most of us tend to drive around patiently until one comes available, even if the only space we can find is a short hike to our ultimate destination. Today I saw a man in a Land Rover bully his way past a queue of waiting cars, myself included. I'm surprised he didn't have an accident. Land Rovers are hardly small vehicle, the aisle in the car park was narrow, and I was in a rather large Peugeot. I figured I'd sit still and let him hit me. There was no where for me to go anyway. Then the bully tried to fight the little Vauxhall Corsa who was the first in the queue for the place being vacated by an elderly couple. I actually cheered when the Corsa one. A victory for the good guys!

The equally narrow aisles inside the grocery store were just as jammed. Even more so if you include the exhausted staff struggling to keep the shelves stocked. What irked me were the shoppers who block the entire aisle with their trolley while trying to decide whether to buy the limited edition Christmas print toilet paper or the bargain buy buy-on-get-one-free toilet paper. With the kids out of school, parents had brought them shopping, too. Unfortunately kids do not make good trolley drivers. I think I must have had one hell of a knock in the shin because it really hurts now!

The only thing I didn't get on my shopping expedition, my last of the season all being well, was another bottle of Baileys. As luck would have it, a friend has asked the hubby for a lift to Tesco, where Baileys is currently on special offer! My Christmas shopping will be complete!

Oh damn! I forgot the cranberry sauce!


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