02 February 2005

Diary Entry

7.53 am I actually woke up in time to do a bit of blogging before getting ready and heading off to uni! I told myself I was going to wake up instead of being lethargic. So far so good. I really wanted to tell Malorie "happy birthday" before she left for school, but she left early -- again! Grrrr ... She's not supposed to leave before 8.00 because I know it doesn't take that long to walk to school, and I want to be sure I know when she leaves, etc. (This goes for Braden, too.) Unfortunately she can't get it through her head that having Leah show up before 7.45 does not give her permission to leave without telling me she's going!

Ricky and Jack are still coughing and snotty, so another day home for them. I'll bet they end up missing all week with this, even though they're not too bad. It's just I don't want them out running around in the cold while they're like this, and their dad will probably give them an extra two days off since they're with him from later today until Monday.

There are a few emails in my inbox from Gary this morning. He sure is doing a lot of *BIG SIGH*ing.

8.56 pm A lecture and a seminar this morning, then a few hours in the library, then home and a long nap! I only intended to lie down for an hour, but ended up sleeping for three or four. Still, I managed to get myself up this morning, so we're on the right track.

I did okay on the tort law essay I got back today. I got a 2:2, which, considering the amount of time and effort I put into it, is actually an excellent result. It's about the same as I did in contract law last year, and the two subjects are equally painful to comprehend. Now I've just got to buckle down and bring that score up when I take my exam in May. I can still manage a 2:1 if I try hard enough.

Malorie seems to have had a good birthday. She likes the ring we gave her anyway. In fact, she said it's brought her good luck so far because since she put it on, she's had hugs from three different boys. I'm glad they were hugs, otherwise I would really worry!

Now I have to read the report from the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. I wish I'd paid attention because it's available online, and I could have had it done by now instead of reading at the last minute! My criminal justice seminar is at 9.00 tomorrow morning.

10.50 pm I'm not getting much reading done! I keep doing anything but! I've taken some pics of the card I made for Malorie last night and the one I made for Lauren today. I'm quite proud of them since they are my first attempts, though I'm hoping to improve greatly in the near future!


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