13 April 2005

No One Takes Responsibility Anymore ...

I need to rant. Boy, do I need to rant! My daughter was assaulted at her school today by a fellow student. Why did the girl do it? She didn't like the way Malorie looked at her. She said Malorie gave her a "funny look".

I'm Malorie's mum. Malorie looks at everyone like that. She's a teenager. Tell me what teenager isn't an expert at giving funny looks!

This might sound like it's going off topic, but a general election has been called for the 5th of May. I might not be eligible to vote (being a non-UK or EU citizen), but I still pay attention to what's going on. One issue that has been in the press lately has been the yobbish behaviour of British youth. The girl who assaulted my daughter definitely qualifies, in my eyes anyway, as a yob.

But the politicians, particularly those in opposition, would have us believe that it's the government's fault or the local council's fault that adolescents act anti-socially. I don't believe it for a minute. My children have been attending this school since January 2001, and I have never been able to fault how those in charge deal with those who break the school rules. I have some insider knowledge of the school's discipline since I am a former parent governor and have served on many disciplinary panels dealing with students who have been excluded.

The fault lies with the student who hit my daughter. The government didn't make her do it. The school didn't make her do it. She's 15 years old and should know that you just don't go around assaulting people. Evidently it's not the first time this has happened either, so some of the responsibility has to go to the parents.

I actually saw this girl in the emergency room while I was there with my daughter today. Seems that, in the process of hitting Malorie, she might have broken her hand. She blames Malorie for that. I know that my kids aren't perfect, but if Malorie were to assault another student, no matter how badly her hand hurt as a result, I would be furious with her. This girl's mum seemed to think it was no big deal.

I hope she continues to think it's no big deal while her daughter is sitting home for the length of her exclusion from school. Since they have a zero tolerance policy on assaults, this girl was excluded immediately. They can appeal, but it's an appeal after the fact.

They can also count their blessings that I'm not taking this matter further with the police. I would happily press charges, but I'm convinced that would make things worse for Malorie at school with the friends of the yob.


Blogger g d townshende said...

She got expelled, eh? Good. Shit like that shouldn't be tolerated.

6:06 am  
Blogger g d townshende said...

Your link to my Garrulus blog is all wrong.


6:07 am  
Blogger Jenni said...

This is absolutely shocking. Hope Malorie is recovering okay, and that the other girl somehow comes down with a case of pneumonia, so that she can't enjoy a single second of her suspension from school. (I've never really understood the whole concept of suspending kids from school, since a lot of them don't really want to be there anyway...?)

1:51 pm  

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