06 April 2005

Diary Entry

1.44 am I have been neglecting my blogs lately. I haven't lost interest. There just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I want, and since none of what I've been doing is really that interesting, I've let the blogs slide.

Today, for instance: I over slept, got ready to take the boys to their dad's, stopped and paid the rent, dropped the boys off, went to the university library, studied there for seven hours, came home, cooked dinner, started studying again, and here I am! Fun, isn't it? I'm just too tired to ramble on about things that I like rambling on about.

I did, however, sign up for the Race for Life for Cancer Research UK. I also signed Malorie up for it. She and I are going to do the 5K run/jog/walk together. Now I just have to tell her I've signed her up for it. I told Simon that I'd registered us and bought us each a t-shirt, and he freaked out. I said I'd been considering doing this for a week, ever since I saw the commercial on the telly, and he said it was the first time I mentioned it to him. I told him I didn't want him to try to talk me out of it. It's for charity, but he still doesn't like money going to charity. Cigarettes and tobacco, yes. My "pet projects", no.


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