02 April 2005

Diary Entry

11.46 pm God I ache all over! I have been stripping more wallpaper and made a start on painting the walls where the new wardrobes are going. I feel like I've been working out at a gym!

I did stop long enough to go to KFC and fill myself up on chicken. Not exactly healthy eating, but I didn't feel like cooking and wanted to get out of the house for a bit.

Unbelievably, before I left for KFC I was snacking on a few cream crackers and cheese to get a bit of energy back (I was absolutely boiling from using the wallpaper steamer and felt lightheaded), and another filling fell out! I couldn't believe it. At first I thought it was the one that has already fallen out twice in the past month or so, but no, it's a different one altogether! Back to the dentist this week, if I can get in, and I hope I can because hot and cold are painful on the exposed nerves. Thank goodness only part of the filling fell out, or I'd really be suffering!

I've had the news on all day, and just when I thought the Pope was going to hang on for a few more days, he died this evening. How very sad. I remember when he was elected Pope in 1978 because his predecessor had only been Pope for something like a month, and my mother told me to remember because I might not see three Popes within such a short timespan again in my lifetime. I have always remembered that, too. None of my kids even knew what the Pope was, so I've had to explain to them. I thought they would have learned this stuff in RE at school, at least Malorie and Braden, but they didn't have a clue.


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