31 May 2005

Are Imports Necessarily A Good Thing?

I like having things imported from all over the world. The things I buy when I do my shopping have come from more exotic places than I will probably ever have the chance to visit. My honey is from Australia, my beer is from Belgium and my coffee is from South America. Most of my furniture is from Sweden and Denmark (thanks to IKEA!). My car is French.

We get television imports here, too. Aussie soaps are a favourite, and I've seen quite a few German shows that look really good, or at least they would if I spoke German.

But this takes the cake. They haven't just imported Jerry Springer re-runs to the U.K. Nope. They've imported Jerry Springer himself in a brand new chat-show on ITV to replace Trisha Goddard.

Not only has he taken over a day time chat show, he's complaining that British chat shows are ten years behind the U.S. He says they are more fitting for radio than telvision. Too much talking, in other words. Actions speak louder than words.

I think I'm going to be sick.


Blogger g d townshende said...

Let's see. I just rented a German movie that looks to be hilarious. It's got English subtitles, though, so I shouldn't have any problems understanding it. My car is German, and I wouldn't have it any other way (even though this supposedly German car was actually assembled in Mexico - it says so on the inside of the driver's door). My scanner is Japanese. My cell phone (I think) is Swedish. My computers are American, but made in Japan. I recently purchased a book written by a Brazilian writer, as well as a graphic novel written by a Brit living in America. To top it all off, I'm half-bloody-Brit meself.

In conclusion to all this, kick Jerry Springer the fuck out! He's a certifiable nutcase. The proof of that damned pudding is found in the fact that the man used to be the Mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio! Bad enough he used to be a politician, it's worse that he's from Ohio. (Heh. Good thing I don't let the old Michigan-Ohio rivalry sway my opnions, since I was born in Michigan. Conceived in England, but born in America. That's me. I guess that makes even ME an import, eh? :D )

7:40 am  
Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

i'm so glad i will be at work when its on...


8:42 am  
Blogger g d townshende said...

Katya, you should be! The show he used to have on here in the States was horrendous! There were even scenes of actual physical violence in which real people actually got hurt. None of it was an act, and Springer believes that sort of crap is good TV. The problem is, he's right. It IS good TV, because good TV, as defined by those who do network ratings, is TV that grabs your interest, no matter how it accomplishes that feat.

7:05 am  

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