05 May 2005

I Need to Stop Clicking on Links!

Today I received an email from "Anthony Coulthard". Well, anyone who knows me knows that I'm absolutely mad about David Coulthard, the Formula One driver, so when I saw that this email was an "invite" to some circle of friends thing, I clicked on it.

The next thing I know, I've accidentally emailed everyone in my address book inviting them to join MY circle of friends. I only realised what I'd done when I immediately had about 15 emails back telling me that some of my emails addresses weren't any good.

The good news is that I've actually had 6 people join my little circle here, so someone out there likes me.

If you'd like to join me, I might as well give you guys the link too! It has a "ban" function if any of you turn out to be a bit weird. Okay, I don't mean weird like me, I mean creepy weird. Well, that's not exactly what I mean either, or I'd have to ban Pete right away!

Now keep your fingers crossed that someone with the same last name as Mark Webber doesn't send me an email asking me to join something!


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