27 July 2005

Crossing the Line?

Most of the news today has been in relation to raids on suspected hide-outs of the failed suicide bombers from last week, but one of the newscasters mentioned that ABC News in the US has published photos of the first bomb attacks on London on the 7th of July. These photos include scenes of where so many people died in train carriages.

It got me thinking. The British media hadn't, to that point, shown any of those pictures, and I assumed it was out of respect for the families. Now that ABC has shown them, they are showing up on television here, too.

But I wonder: if this attack had happened in America, would the American media have shown the pictures?

My personal opinion is that there are some things that should be left out of the news, like the scenes of where so many died in a terrorist attack. By showing the devastation, it's giving the terrorists what they want.


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