18 August 2005

Stupid Commercials

I can remember, when I was a teenager, there was a commercial on the television for a dishwashing liquid. I think it was Sunlight or something like that, but I only have a vague recollection of the commercial itself. What I remember most is my dad telling my mother never to buy that dishwashing liquid because he didn't want his money going to a company that came up with such stupid commercials.

I definitely take after my father.

Lately I've found myself questioning why on earth companies would want to make itself look so stupid, and as a result I will not be buying any of their products. If they can't come up with something sensible, they don't deserve my custom and my cash. For instance, there's the commercial for McLeans toothpaste. Sure, the people on there have lovely white teeth, but I don't want to see them standing there smiling for 30 seconds. Or turning their smile up and down like a light switch.

I don't mind funny commercials. In fact, those are the kinds I like, but there's funny and then there is annoying.

I've even unconsciously extended this principle beyond commercials to people who annoy me. I refuse to watch anything with Jennifer Lopez or Tom Cruise on principle. Cruise especially lost my custom when he spouted off nonsense about Brooke Shields saying she benefitted from psychiatric help after suffering post-natal depression. After my daughter was born, I got the same kind of help she did and have always been grateful that I did, so he thoroughly pissed me off with his comments.


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