21 January 2006

I Need to Rethink This ...

Lately I have had several conversations with people (including with Simon) about how I just don't fancy younger men like I used to. I think the youngest man I do find very attractive is Mark Webber, who was born in 1976, so he'll be 30 this year. The majority of my women friends agree with me that the baby-faced pop star types just don't do it for us like they used to. For me, it's probably down to having a teen-aged son, so I tend to identify celebrities like Jenson Button (who my daughter drools over) and the guys at uni with Braden.

However, I might have to make an exception ...

In today's Tae Kwon Do class, we were working on some self-defense exercises, and my instructor paired me up with a girl who has only just started training. He assigned one of the black belts to help us out. Now, I've never seen this guy in our classes before, and I didn't really pay attention to him until he started grabbing my hand and holding it to his chest to demonstrate moves! I thought, geez ... that's some pec he's got there! I can't work out how old he is though. He could be 25, 30 or even 35. At least that's what I keep telling myself, that he could possibly be in the older range.

I had already mentioned that I have a daughter who turns 17 in just over a week, so I'm sure he just thought of me as a "safe" person to demonstrate on. And Simon doesn't have anything to worry about. My philosophy is: it doesn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you go home to eat!


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