20 January 2006

Big Brother Auditions

I found out that "Big Brother" is having auditions for their next series. I'm thinking of going along, just for a laugh. I can't see me being locked into the House for three months because I'd miss my kids waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much, though if they paid me enough to do it, I'm sure I could come to some arrangement with my ex! It could set the kids up with a university fund, that's for sure!

Do they actually pay you to go in there? Probably not. In that case, I'll just go along to say I did it. I said that once before when I thought it would be a laugh to audition for "The Weakest Link".

I also just realised that I'd also miss a huge chunk of the Formula One season!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

go girl i think u would b an ace contestant and u do win £50.000 or £100.000 i cant remember which amount but anyway enough of my babbling and go for it xxx

9:52 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

LMAO Well, like Braden said, there are thousands auditioning for a few places to go in. I just think it would be a laugh to go! It's one of those things I can say I did when my grandkids complain that their granny is boring! ;-)

9:53 pm  

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