07 February 2005

Diary Entry

1.57 pm How depressing. I'm 38.

I didn't go to bed until 4.00 this morning. The Super Bowl didn't end until just before that. I was disappointed that the Eagles didn't win. Not that I'm an Eagles fan. I just like to cheer for the underdog.

Simon tried to convince me to stay in bed since it's my birthday, but when it got to be about noon, I was wide awake. He gave me a card and a box of Celebrations. Just what I need when I've decided to lose some weight. I get the impression he likes me the way I am.

No rest for the birthday girl though. I have a seminar at 5.00. That totally sucks.

7.07 pm I definitely need to lose some weight and get back into shape. When I got to uni this evening, I was over an hour early, so I walked down to the library, got the books I need to get a start on my criminal justice essay (due in April, I'm getting an early start), walked back up hill to my car, then back to the building where my seminar is held. I was drenched in sweat by the time I was finished, and I'm sure my leg muscles are going to be complaining all night.

My parents called to tell me happy birthday, and I've had emails from Shannon and Erin. The one from Shannon did surprise me. I think it's the first one I've had from her on my birthday in years. My mum asked me if Malorie and I got our birthday presents because my dad had packed them with the other things when the kids came back from Texas in December. I said no, I hadn't seen them. Malorie and Braden went on a hunt upstairs, and sure enough, there they were in one of the suitcases. My birthday present has been here for over a month and I never knew it! I also had a silver cross from Granny Janny, some chocolates from Simon and a manicure kit from the kids, as well as the radio controlled McLaren Simon had already given me and the presents Lynn brought round last night. Ricky and Jack made me cards. Well, they had me get my card-making stuff out so they could let me stick things on the cards they were giving me. It's the thought that counts.

8.05 pm I'm getting excited about the trip to Brussels. I'm a bit nervous, too. There's a meeting Wednesday evening after my EU seminar, and I have a feeling something's going to have been cocked up and my name won't be on the list of students going. That despite the fact I was the first to sign up. The reason I say that is because when I went to pay the balance of the trip, the woman who was helping me didn't seem to be able to find me on the list. If I'm not on there, I will cry and make a fool of myself, I know.

Simon had gone to have his ice cream van's freezer looked at. It's melted all that ice cream I told him needed to be put into the chest freezer in the house. Then he says he's going to get me KFC! What a birthday treat!

9.35 pm I told Pete I would post his banner in my blogs:

There it is.

I get my results on two things tomorrow. I can't wait to see how I performed in the criminological theory exam after my fall down the stairs. At least I know now what to do about applying for extenuating circumstances if something like that happens again. Not that I want to fall down the stairs again. I also get my crim research methods assignment back. I'm not looking forward to that one. I get the impression the marks were not all that high. I did try very hard on it though.

I'm still waiting for KFC ...

I've just had this email from Lynn and had to include it because it made me laugh:

hey you
hope you had a good day and you got some nice pressies (apart from the ones from me as they will take some beating Ha Ha Ha )

any way babe have a good rest of the night and i'll see you soon
love lynny xXxX xXxX
was gonna put 39 X 's but don't wanna remind ya

This is the one from Shannon:

happy birthday!!!!!

shannon, cj and the karate kid aka sebastian

(ps- tell malorie happy birthday too and give her a big kiss and hug

And one from Erin:

HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY!!!! Oh sorry, I mean 38th. I
guess I added wrong. Did you get to watch the
game. We went over to a friends house from church and
watched it. Well, stood in the kitchen and then
watched the commercials mostly. We had all kinds of
food, but no Rotel dip. But when I went to the store
on Saturday I did buy Rotel tomatoes and Tostitos but
forgot to get the velveeta so I went back yesterday
and got that. So when I get around to making the
Rotel dip I will email you and let you know how good
it is. (hehehe). I think I know what to send you the
next time Malorie and Braden come over. How was
Malorie's birthday? I hope it was good. Tell her
Happy Late Birthday for me and let her know I didn't
forget. I thought about her all day I just couldn't
get on the computer. Anyway, I hope you have a
wonderful birthday and we miss you guys.
Love, Erin

11.39 pm I'm having an early night tonight. That's two nights in the past few days that I've gone to bed at midnight rather than a few hours afterwards! I'm full up on KFC and having a day off from studying. Okay, I had to go in for a seminar, but apart from that and doing some research in the library, I'm giving my brain a break today. Back to the grindstone in the morning though.


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