06 February 2005

Diary Entry

12.34 pm I have got nasty stomach cramps. It might have been the pizza I ate last night, but I feel rotten, so I don't know how much longer I can sit at the computer.

I finally had a message from Pete. I thought he'd forgotten my existence! Silly man.

I'm supposed to be spending today studying, so I suppose I better get to it.

8.46 pm What a wasted day! I feel like I've done nothing, which is about right. I just haven't had the energy. I haven't felt depressed or anything, just tired. I spent the afternoon in bed watching telly and snoozing. I got up in time to have Sunday dinner (Simon and Malorie cooked!), then Steve and Lynn came around to bring me my birthday presents for tomorrow. I'd forgotten it's my birthday! She gave me some books and a framed autographed picture of Mark Webber.

It's the Super Bowl tonight, and I'm planning on watching it. I haven't kept up with American football in years, but I just have a yearning to watch it tonight. Nostalgia? Old age? I haven't got a clue. Da Boyz aren't even playing in it. By that I mean my beloved Dallas Cowboys, though I couldn't even tell you who plays for them or who the coach is.

11.27 pm I'd forgotten what a spectacle the Super Bowl is. I didn't think I'd been out of the US that long! It's funny watching it in England though. The coverage is on ITV, and Gabby Logan is the commentator in the studio over here with three sports people to help her: one actually is an American football player; one is the England rugby captain Martin Johnson; the third is a coach with Tottenham Hotspurs. The ITV commentator in Florida is a British rower.

The actual game commentary though its the commentary on US television. They haven't said, but it seems an awful lot like FOX sports. Darryl Johnston is one of the commentators. He was still playing for the Cowboys when I moved over here. Well, I'm happy as long as it isn't FOX news! I'm still missing my Rotel Dip. My dad said to stop whining.

I've had a happy birthday from Pete. He said he was allowed to because it was already the 7th in Australia. He does make me laugh.


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