12 March 2005

2.59 pm I managed to get a good night's sleep! I passed out on the couch around midnight last night, Simon woke me up and dragged me to bed just after 1.00 am, and I didn't wake up again until 9.30 this morning when the dog was begging to be let out. Why he didn't beg Malorie and Braden I don't know. They were both downstairs in the kitchen. After sorting the kids out, I passed out on the couch again for another hour. Boy, did I need that!

I got an email from Roy yesterday with another one of those questionnaire that are supposed to help you get to know each other, and I've had two replies, one from Simon and one from Lynn. I decided to put them on here because I want to keep a record of them, they're both so funny!

Your name:lynn

1. Where did we meet?:in the garden
2. Take a stab at my middle name:Kaye
3. How long have you known me?:Feels like a life time but in a good way
4. Do I smoke?:no
5. Do I believe in God?:errm maybe
6. What was your first impression of me upon meeting?:shy american huh never
7. What's my age?:38
8. And my birthday?:7th feb
9. And my eye colour?:grey blue
10.Do I have any siblings?:yup
11.Have you ever been angry with me?:not that i can remember
12. Have you ever been in love with me?:afraid not sorry
13.What's one of my favourite things to do?:blog
14.Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?:no
15. What's my favourite type of music?:rock
16.What is the best feature about me?:your ability to see good in everyone
17.Am I shy or outgoing?:a bit of both
18.Would you say I am funny?:hilarious
19.Am I a rebel or do follow all the rules?:rebel inside good girl on the outside
20.What are my special talents?:too many to list
21.Would you consider me a friend?:almost certainly
22.Have you ever seen me cry?:not that i can remenber
23.If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?:Chocco (i have my reasons)
24.What's your favourite memory of me ?who are you again
25.If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring?:CHOCOLATE

Simon added a question 26 to the list.

Your name: hubby

1. Where did we meet?: through your ex-husband
2. Take a stab at my middle name: kaye
3. How long have you known me?: 5 yrs
4. Do I smoke?: used too
5. Do I believe in God?: yes
6. What was your first impression of me upon meeting?: poor cow
7. What's my age?: 38
8. And my birthday?: feb 07
9. And my eye colour?: blue
10.Do I have any siblings?: yes
11.Have you ever been angry with me?:yeeeeeesss
12. Have you ever been in love with me?: yeeeeess
13.What's one of my favourite things to do?: sight seeing
14.Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?: take me upstairs and screw my brains out
15. What's my favourite type of music?:glam rock
16.What is the best feature about me?: loving
17.Am I shy or outgoing?: out going
18.Would you say I am funny?: yes in the head
19.Am I a rebel or do follow all the rules?: not a rebel
20.What are my special talents?: book clever
21.Would you consider me a friend?: yes
22.Have you ever seen me cry?: yes
23.If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?: bitch
24.What's your favourite memory of me?: fireworks going off when we kissed
25.If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring?: your laptop
26.if you could change one thing about me what would it be?: blowjob

If anyone else replies, I'll post that too.

3.59 pm I've had a reply from Shell now too! Very funny!

Your name: MICHELLE

1. Where did we meet?:MY HOUSE
2. Take a stab at my middle name: KAYE
3. How long have you known me?: 3 YEARS
4. Do I smoke?: NO
5. Do I believe in God?:NO
6. What was your first impression of me upon meeting?: NICE WOMAN
7. What's my age?: 39 I THINK
8. And my birthday?: FEBRUARY
9. And my eye colour?: GREEN
11.Have you ever been angry with me?: NO
12. Have you ever been in love with me?: NO
13.What's one of my favourite things to do?: WATCHING CSI LISTENING TO
14.Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?: NO
15. What's my favourite type of music?: ROCK
16.What is the best feature about me?: EYES
17.Am I shy or outgoing?: OUTGOING
18.Would you say I am funny?: YES
19.Am I a rebel or do follow all the rules?: REBEL
20.What are my special talents?: BRAIN POWER
21.Would you consider me a friend?: YES
22.Have you ever seen me cry?: YES
23.If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?: ANORAK
24.What's your favourite memory of me?: OUR NIGHTS UP BRIM
25.If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would

6.23 pm Ricky and Jack did a good job of picking up rubbish out of the front garden, and I gave them each a star on their treat chart for doing it, but now that they're in the house, they're driving me nuts again! Why they can't sit still for ten minutes, I'll never know. I wish I had a fraction of their energy. The living room, which is where I'm studying, is directly below their bedroom, and all I can hear is THUD, THUD, THUD! through the ceiling. It's almost as annoying as how loud Malorie had her music earlier!

8.37 pm Ahhhhh, for the moment anyway, there is peace! I know I've probably just jinxed myself by saying that. The boys are all in their room watching "Toy Story 2" on DVD, and Malorie is doing hair/makeup stuff in her room. Simon is off to bed soon since he has to get up at silly hours in the morning to go with a friend to a computer show.

I am really enjoying my research! I've always loved doing research, especially when it's a topic I like, and I like this one: criminological theory explaining violence against women. I might have to narrow that down to rape, but I might just manage the violence topic by defining it as rape, assault, domestic violence, etc.

9.07 pm I forgot to write about the ego boost I had on Thursday! After our last lecture and before we went to Northern General for that psychiatry lecture, we were sitting in the canteen having a drink when our crim theory lecturer, Matt, came and sat with us. Somehow the topic came around to students suing the university for various reasons, and I told him about the fall I had down the stairs just before the theory exam. I said I couldn't bring myself to sue the university because I got a first on the exam. I could see Jamie smiling, so I said, "Yes, I know. You scored two points higher than I did!" Matt looked at us and said, "You two both got firsts? Wow, I didn't know I was sitting with the cream of the crop! We only gave two firsts out of 170 students!" Talk about floating on clouds, I was thrilled to hear that!

10.55 pm They're all asleep! Wow, it's amazing how quiet the house is! Unfortunately, now that it's settled around here, I'm getting sleepy so I can't see me doing much more studying tonight. Typical.

12.10 am I am getting such a kick out of these answers! Everyone has made me laugh at at least one of their ideas of me, and all of them are so close I must not be very good at hiding my personality!

Carolyn knew I have blue eyes even though we've never met face-to-face (that we know of). That's freaky! And she's the second person to mention me taking a pic of DC onto a desert island!

Your name: carolyn wade

1. Where did we meet?: on the ng yahoo groups (although we did go to hs together but didn't know each other)
2. Take a stab at my middle name: kaye
3. How long have you known me?: a little over a year, i think
4. Do I smoke?: no
5. Do I believe in God?: yes
6. What was your first impression of me upon meeting?: i knew right away, we would be getting along just fine. =)
7. What's my age?: 38? (based on my turning 37 in june)
8. And my birthday?: i don't know =( (although, i could probably do a little research & find out)
9. And my eye colour?: i'm going with blue, based strictly on personality =)
10.Do I have any siblings?: yes, you have a sister named kim, that I know of
11.Have you ever been angry with me?: nope, and can't imagine that i ever would
12. Have you ever been in love with me?: oh, absolutely! (in the most platonic way!)
13.What's one of my favourite things to do?: shop at ikea!!!
14.Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?: no, but i'm sure it was in response to some crazy thing i said on the groups board
15. What's my favourite type of music?: death metal!! (oh, and 80's hairbands!)
16.What is the best feature about me?: i love it that you say what you mean & you aren't afraid to have an opinion (especially considering your previous marriage...)
17.Am I shy or outgoing?: a little of both but I bet you really enjoy yourself when you go pub-crawling!
18.Would you say I am funny?: yes
19.Am I a rebel or do follow all the rules?: you can go either way, i think
20.What are my special talents?: making really cute kids, juggling way more activities than i could ever manage, and shopping at ikea!!
21.Would you consider me a friend?: absolutely
22.Have you ever seen me cry?: no
23.If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?: dc-girl (hell, i don't know!!)
24.What's your favourite memory of me?: oh, they're all special!
25.If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring?: a life-size poster of dave coulthard (sp?)

12.53 am Oh thank heavens for that! My diligent studies have paid off, and I have just finished taking extensive notes from "Rape, Social Inequality and Levels of Violence" by Schwendinger and Schwendinger. That was one heck of a long article! But it had lots of info I can use in my theory essay, not to mention my dissertation next year (topic as of yet unconfirmed). Tomorrow I can move on to something else. Maybe "socialist feminist" explanations of violence towards women.


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