09 March 2005

My Brain Hurts Again ...

I am such an "anorak", as my best mate Michelle puts it. (That would be "geek" in the US.) I didn't have to be at university until 5.00 this afternoon. Instead, I was there at 10.15. I spent all day diligently reading for my EU and tort law modules, then I went to the EU seminar and managed to look like I knew what I was talking about. That part was easy. We had a guest lecturer this week, and he was leading the seminar and was told to discuss a set of questions we did last week! I just looked at the notes I took, and voila! I was a genius. Okay, maybe not a genius, but at least I gave the impression I had a few brain cells working in the ol' noggin.

I've found a way to look like even more of an anorak as well. Tomorrow evening there is a lecture at one of the local hospitals that has to do with psychology, evil and crime. Guess how I'm spending my evening tomorrow? It has nothing to do with my university or my course. Not directly anyway. But it's relevant, it sounds interesting, and I'm going.

I have to make up for the party animal image I seem to have picked up after that trip to Brussels!


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