31 March 2005

Decorating Time

When I moved in with Simon in December 2000, the first room we decorated was the boys' room. Back then they were 2, 3, 9 and 10. INow they're 7, 8, 13 and 14, so it's about time to do it all over again!

The Thomas the Tank Engine curtains have already come down, and they've voted on paint colours for the walls, so here's what the next few days have in store for me:

1. Sort out the toyboxes. All the kids' toys (mostly the little two monsters' toys) are in red plastic boxes under Braden's bed. Most of them they've outgrown, so it's time to weed through them all and give the baby toys to charity. I do this about once a year.

2. Sort out their clothes. They've outgrown a lot of things. Braden says he's already bagged up the clothes that don't fit him anymore, so those can go to charity, too.

3. Break apart the old chest of drawers and wardrobes. They're history. The new wardrobes have drawers built into them.

4. Strip the wallpaper from the part of the room where the new wardrobes are going. I don't want to put up the new ones and then have to pull them away from the walls to paint behind them. That doesn't make sense!

5. Go buy the paint. They boys have voted: Ricky and Braden want blue, Jack wants green, Daniel doesn't seem to care. So, the side of the room where Ricky and Braden's bunkbeds are will be blue, and the side with Jack and Daniel's bunkbeds will be blue.

6. Paint that part of the room.

7. Put together the storage unit I bought at IKEA. All the little toys are going into that.

8. Go pick up the new wardrobes from IKEA before the sale ends or they run out. Fingers crossed!

9. Hem the new curtains I bought several months ago but didn't want to put up until I had painted.

10. Convince the boys to keep their room tidy!


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