05 March 2005

Diary Entry

8.20 am I wish someone else would get up to let the dog out for a change.

1.20 pm Simon is poorly again. He has a cold. The world is coming to an end. I have to go find him cold medicine even though I'm still not feeling great from the infection and antibiotics. I could be puking my guts up and still have to go because he's not well. Men! It just makes me angry because even earlier this week when half my face was blown up like a balloon and my jaw was in absolute agony, he looked at me like I was faking. Now he's got a cold and everything stops.

Yep, I'm feeling bitchy again today. At least I get bitchy in my blog instead of going ballistic in "real life".

3.07 pm Bitchy again ... I just got back from shopping, and Morrison's was absolutely packed, mostly with people doing their shopping for Mother's Day. Wanna make a bet the card Ricky dropped off yesterday is the total of my Mother's Day for this year? Simon's spent all his money on his cigarettes and tobacco. The older kids haven't even asked for a bit of money to buy a card.

Oh well. I'll remember this on Father's Day.

3.44 pm The snow is falling again. I hope it stops because I'm planning on driving to the campus to tomorrow to work on one of my criminology assignments. I asked Simon if he'll take my car tomorrow because he's only driving over to Kev's, and since my car doesn't always want to start when I want it to, I thought it would be safer to take his. The look he gave me said "Fuck off". Yes, I know. Bitch, bitch, bitch. I suppose "Dan" was right when he kept calling me "The Bitch" when we were in Belgium. That's just the mood I'm in, but because I'm always the nice girl, this is my only real outlet.

9.16 pm Well, seems Simon remembered Mother's Day after all. I wonder if he's been reading my blog. I hinted enough by commenting that Morrison's was full of Mother's Day shoppers today. There's a card on the side in the kitchen now.

I spent the afternoon watching the two new CSI DVDs that came this morning, then I slept. It's the first race tonight/this morning, and I don't want to miss it! I'm up now because I wasn't going to miss CSI: New York. Simon's gone to bed. What a fun Saturday night.

11.17 pm I get the impression that Simon is mad at me, but I can't figure out what I've done. For all my online bitching, I've been very sympathetic. I even went to get him medicine earlier when I wasn't very well myself. I should be used to it by now. Every time he gets sick, which is fairly frequently, he makes me feel guilty. I don't have anything to do with his cold. I don't have one -- at least not yet -- so I'm pretty sure I didn't give it to him. I still feel like I've done something wrong, and I hate that.

I've been watching second qualifying on German television. I've decided that this summer I'm going to do some independent studies in two areas: German and the law of evidence. German so I can understand German television when I watch races (and because I want to) and law of evidence because I don't get to study it as part of my degree programme but have an interest in it. It'll help if I apply for the MSc programme, too.

12.13 am I'm glad I stayed up to watch qualifying, and now I can't wait for the race! Webber is third on the grid, and DC is fifth! Brilliant result! I hope they both make it onto the podium! Webber needs his first win, and it would be great to see it happen in Aussieland. Now that the season has started, I'm so depressed that I'm not going to the British GP! Well, maybe I can get a cheap ticket to go see Friday practice. I've been working my ass off. I deserve a bit of fun! Yeah, I know. That's what the trip to Brussels was supposed to be, but by mid-July, I'll need another break!


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