14 March 2005

Diary Entry

9.05 am I had an early night last night, only I couldn't get to sleep once I was in bed. No telling what time I finally dropped off, but I'm pretty sure I got a good eight hours. Apart from having to get up at 2.30 to let the dog out. I only vaguely remember that.

Up early, boys to school, dishwasher loaded. I got a new CSI DVD this morning in the post, so I'm going to do some research and watch this until time to go to the dentist. Yuck.

2.48 pm The dentist wasn't too bad this morning. The only problem was that the anaesthetic didn't take effect until after he was finished! It's just a good thing it was only a tiny bit of drilling and then replacing the filling I lost, otherwise I might have leapt out of that chair and hit the ceiling! Unfortunately I'm still numb now, four hours later. I couldn't even put my lipstick on properly!

It's Parent's Evening this afternoon (why it's called Parent's "Evening", I'll never know because it's always just after school lets out at 3.15!). Richard and I are sharing an appointment, so I'm sure that will be interesting. Then I'm off to uni for a seminar. It's not my regular seminar week for this one, but because we're off for three weeks for Easter and reading week, Liz wanted us to all come in tonight. Oh well, means I get the Monday after reading week off.

I've been making, wrapping and packaging candles most of the day, so not much studying going on here. But I did get an email saying that the list of topic area's for next year's dissertation will be available from Wednesday! I'm really excited about that!

6.54 pm Another reply to the questionnaire!

Your name: Doyle
1. Where did we meet?: NGHS site
2. Take a stab at my middle name: Kaye
3. How long have you known me?: a year?
4. Do I smoke?: no
5. Do I believe in God?:yes
6. What was your first impression of me upon meeting?: opinionated
7. What's my age?:38?
8. And my birthday?:dont remember
9. And my eye colour?:brown?
10.Do I have any siblings?: Not sure but if I guessed I would say no
11.Have you ever been angry with me?:no
12. Have you ever been in love with me?:no
13.What's one of my favourite things to do?:blog
14.Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?:welcome to the site
15. What's my favourite type of music?:classic rock
16.What is the best feature about me?:bruised bum LMAO
17.Am I shy or outgoing?:outgoing online anyway, sounds pretty outgoing from what I got out of your Brussels trip
18.Would you say I am funny?:ROFLMAO
19.Am I a rebel or do follow all the rules?: pretty much follow rules
20.What are my special talents?:dont know
21.Would you consider me a friend?:yes
22.Have you ever seen me cry?:no
23.If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?:ummmmmmmm i'll be nice and let that one go
24.What's your favourite memory of me?: Getting into it with Patrick
25.If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring?: Chocolate

He did pretty well apart from the eye colour and siblings!

I just got home from uni, anyway. No more crim theory seminars! Actually, that's one of the modules I enjoy, but it's a pain going when I don't have any other lectures or seminars that day. Turns out Jamie was in the group I had to go to tonight. That made it more interesting because at least he talks! He says he rambles, but I know I do so I don't mind. I don't think he's rambling anyway.

Parent's evening went pretty well. Jack's teacher said he's a regular Jumping Jack Flash and was named appropriately. He can't go long without flitting from one thing to another. If I hadn't seen how he can concentrate at home, I'd worry he had ADHA or something like that, but I know he doesn't. Ricky's teacher said he's improving, and I noticed that it's been a long time since he's complained about being bullied. His handwriting is still atrocious! I know mine was bad at that age, but Ricky has the makings of a doctor!


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