15 March 2005

Diary Entry

5.26 pm I don't bloody believe it! The filling I had put in yesterday has fallen out in little pieces! I was only eating a piece of pizza! It didn't even have hard stuff on it. It had mushrooms! It's a good thing it doesn't hurt, but it's a pain trying to make sure there's no food stuck in it.

Malorie is having a hissy fit. She and Braden both left early for school this morning without telling me, and I was only in the living room. I had trouble sleeping last night so I came down to sleep on the couch so I didn't wake Simon. On top of that, she was asked to put away some clothes, which she just dumped on the ironing board at the top of the stairs. All she had to do was put the clothes in the appropriate person's room. She didn't. She was reminded to do them, and she went in her room to play on her Gameboy and do her hair and make up. Then she asked if she could go out. I told her no because of her leaving early this morning and not putting those clothes away like she was told. So she went upstairs and started slamming doors. She got told off for that and wanted to know why she's treated like she never does anything around the house! I told her it wasn't that, it was her disregard for the rules, and I added that she will continue to be treated like a child until she learned to follow the rules. About that time her dad rang, and I thought, "Oh wonderful ..." but she refused to speak to him. I'm sure that impressed him.

6.01 pm Well, I have to say I'm in shock. Malorie came downstairs, and I asked her if she knew it was her father on the phone. She said yes. I commented that he's not going to be very impressed that she refused to speak to him, and she mumbled, "Well, it's about time". When I asked what was about time, she said, "That I refused to speak to him. He always makes me talk to the dog and only gives me useless advice on things he knows nothing about". I'm very glad to see that the teenage rebellion isn't directed just at me! Because I'm the one she's around most of the time, I get the brunt of it. I'm the "evil" parent and he's the "fun" parent. At least I can feel like it's nothing personal when she goes off on one now.

I ran into "Dan" in the canteen today and gave him the pictures I have of him and "Pete" from the train trip we took to Ypres. The last time I saw him, he had commented that he didn't have any pictures from the trip, so when I had some of the pictures I took with my digital camera printed, I had the three with him in them printed as well. It didn't cost me anything, and I thought it would be a nice gesture. Not towards getting him to give me a better grade, but just because I like to consider him a friend outside the classroom. Business first, friendship second. He asked if I'm going on the trip next year, and I said I was going to try. I really want to. Simon's not impressed with the idea, but it would definitely be the last time because I'll be in my last year (hopefully). I don't know whether grad students are allowed, but I won't mention that for now.

10.05 pm I've had answers back from Lisa today! That's really cool, considering she's the sister of one of my ex-husbands. Well, you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. I think I'll leave it at that.

I can't pass this up! lol

Your name: Lisa
1. Where did we meet?: High School
2. Take a stab at my middle name: Kaye
3. How long have you known me?: almost 20 years
4. Do I smoke?: No
5. Do I believe in God?: Yes
6. What was your first impression of me upon meeting?: That you were sooo sweet! lol
7. What's my age?: 38
8. And my birthday?: in February
9. And my eye colour?: Blue
10.Do I have any siblings?: Yep
11.Have you ever been angry with me?: um, yep! lol
12. Have you ever been in love with me?: yep, in a sisterly way.
13.What's one of my favourite things to do?: write, study, taking pictures.
14.Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?: I can't remember that far back!
15. What's my favourite type of music?: Rock
16.What is the best feature about me?: Your smile :)
17.Am I shy or outgoing?: A good combination of both I'd say.
18.Would you say I am funny?: Totally!
19.Am I a rebel or do follow all the rules?: Follow the rules most of the time.
20.What are my special talents?: Intelligence!
21.Would you consider me a friend?: Yes
22.Have you ever seen me cry?: Yes
23.If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?: Mel! lol
24.What's your favourite memory of me?: OMG too many to go thru. Lots of good times.
25.If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring? A laptop.


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