17 April 2005

Diary Entry

12.37 am Poor Malorie's bruising has really come out now, but it's also healing up, so that's good. She's still being told by people that go to her school that she's going to have it happen again when that girl returns to school. Just what she needs. She's nervous now, and she shouldn't.

Simon's been cranky again today. He's always shouting, though he's careful not to shout at me for some reason. He spent all morning on his computer, then went to work for a while, then went straight out to his dad's, then came in and complained that he hadn't eaten all day. He called at the chip shop and picked us all up something, came in, fixed his plate, and left ours on the side. But if I bring home a take-away, I have to sort out everyone's plates. Lately he's just been more concerned about whatever it is he's doing on the computer than anything else, and it's pissing me off. And he knows it.

I did quite a bit of painting in the boys' room this evening, though I'm nowhere near finished. It's slow going because the walls are so crap. I can't use a roller, I have to use a brush to make sure I get all the little spots filled, or else I have to go over it all again with a brush anyway! I should have about half the room done by tomorrow night. I'm not sure I'll get a chance to do more before my assignments are due on the 28th.

Jack called this afternoon. I spoke to Ricky yesterday when he finished at the dentist's office, but Jack wasn't with him, and they went to the cinema last night. I think Jack was more interested in speaking to the dog than speaking to me, but at least he spoke to me! Strange child ... I can't wait to give them both a big hug on Monday.

Back to do some more scrapbooking, I think. My latest obsession, but I have to put it away soon or I'll never get my essays written or revising done!


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