03 June 2005

The Day of the Rabbit

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like there's an ongoing theme? That happened to me today.

I woke up at 6.00 am to get ready to go watch Formula One testing at Silverstone, which is a two hour drive from my house. I went into the kitchen, switched on the kettle to make a coffee, and looked out the window.

There was a rabbit on the patio.

Okay, I know this rabbit. It belongs to the two toddlers next door, and every now and then he has to go walkabout through my back garden. Usually, however, it's in the middle of the afternoon, not at 6.00 in the morning. All I could think of was some dog (like mine, perhaps) getting hold of this black and white rabbit and tearing it to shreds. The kids come out, they see the dead rabbit, emotional scars are formed ...

What did I do? I went running out the back door. I had on a nightgown, a terry cloth dressing gown, and that was it. In my bare feet I chased this rabbit down my drive, around the fence, and down the neighbour's drive. It hid under their car. There wasn't anyone awake at their house, the rabbit was under the car, and I had sore feet from running on stones and rough pavement. I went home.

Three hours later, we were in our car, within 11 miles of Silverstone, stuck in traffic at a busy roundabout. Simon looked out the side window and said, "Oh look".

Sitting in the middle of the road was a little brown rabbit. It never moved while we watched it, except to twitch its nose and ears. I kept saying "Oh poor rabbit! I hope it doesn't get run over!" It was still in the middle of the road as we drove off.

The rabbits don't end there. At 12 o'clock we went to the car to get our picnic lunch, and we decided that since the wind was a bit chilly and our bums were numb from hard plastic seating trackside, we'd eat in the car. I had had one bite of my tuna mayonnaise sandwich when I looked straight in front of the car.

You guessed it. A rabbit.

Only this one wasn't twitching its nose and ears. It was roadkill. Flat as a pancake. Rabbit stew for rednecks.

I've spent the rest of the day hiding from the bunnies ...


Blogger Katya Coldheart said...

cute story, did you enjoy the F1 watching...???


8:36 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

I had a wonderful time! I was going to go back today and take the kids, but I can't find two weather reports that are the same, some of them say showers this afternoon, and I'm not driving all that way just to have it called off like it was on Wednesday! LMAO

8:53 am  

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