27 July 2005


Gary posted a link to an online biorhythms site on his Garrulus Grommeler blog, so I followed it and was intrigued by my results. Everything's in a low cycle for me, which seems about right because I feel like utter rubbish today!


Blogger g d townshende said...

Yeow! Mine had my physical and intellectual cycles on a rebound from a low and my emotional starting to go down. I'm not sure what to think about my intellectual cycle being on a low, but the physical sounds right. I've put on a few pounds, but am now making changes to take them back off.

I also used this to compare my compatibility with a certain someone in Europe (you know who), and it showed our physical cycles 94% in sync, our emotional 82% in sync, and our intellectual 99% in sync, for an overall compatability rating of 92%!!! Gotta like those numbers, eh? :D :D :D

Those are far, far better numbers than with the ex. For the ex they are E = 100% / P = 53% / I = 9% and overall 54%. The Intellectual at 9% was interesting. She always said I made her feel stupid. I didn't think I did. I'm pretty damned sure I didn't assume she was stupid, either. If there is any credence to biorhythms, we were simply out-of-sync.

When I did the compatability with another certain someone (whose INITIALS - hint, hint, hint - I won't mention), the numbers were just as interesting: P = 96% / E = 21% / I = 13% and overall 43%.

I like that first set of numbers much, much better!

10:04 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I know of whom you speak, and I definitely approve of the first set of numbers too! ;-)

My compatibility with Simon wasn't too bad: physical 28% (I'm trying to lose weight and have started jogging, he won't even walk a block to the shop), emotional 82% (not too bad, we have a few ups and downs, nothing out of the ordinary), intellectual 95% (despite the fact he's always putting himself down, claiming I'm the only one with a brain), and 68% overall. Could be better, could be worse. It's the physical thing that brings it down, but I've pretty much accepted that the only time he will voluntarily walk anywhere is when we go to Silverstone. Then he has to walk as far as he can as much as he can!

10:10 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

All those numbers really mean is how much you are in- or out-of-sync with someone else. The overall number is an average of the three.

Supposedly, you would be 100% in-sync with someone born on the same day as you. I posted more about this at my blog yesterday.

Today, while chatting with the first person to whom I referred, it seemed like we were 100% in-sync. I lost count how many times we typed essentially the same thing at the same time, and sometimes even exactly the same thing at the same time. It had the two of us in fits of laughter. :D

According to our biorhythms, all of our cycles will be bottomed out for the both of us when we finally meet at the end of September. Let me tell you, that was an encouraging thing to see! Not! LOL Then again, that also means that just after she arrives, everything will be going back up.

7:33 am  

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