19 September 2005

Down in the Dumps

I know I'm at Weight Watchers in the morning, but right now I have a craving for just about everything in my kitchen cupboards!

Part of it is immobility. Because of my whiplash, I can't move around and do things that would ordinarily keep me from binge eating. Most of the time when I get hungry, I get out for a long walk or go paint something somewhere in the house.

I'm sure a bit of it is the fact that the karting event is over. I had been anticipating it for months, and now it's over until next year. The morning-after effect.

Another part of it is I'm feeling very melancholy. I've been chatting by email to a friend from high school. Actually, he was one of my first boyfriends, and now that we've been reminiscing, I've become very nostalgic, thinking of the past and what might have been. I found a picture of us taken at our high school's ten year reunion. Of course, at that time, he was married (and still is) and I was going through my first divorce!

I think the final part of it is the stress of having Simon come in from work in a foul mood because he can't get his precious satellite system to work the way he wants it to. He's even resorted to throwing the remote because I dared to speak to him while he tried to tune it. I keep telling him that neither of the satellite systems have a crystal clear picture when there's a lot of cloud cover outside, but he doesn't pay attention.



Blogger Melinda said...

It was tougher than I thought, but well worth the aches and pains! :-) I want to try a proper race car now! Anyone have £2,500 so I can go to race school?

10:05 pm  

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