20 September 2005

Still Down But Fighting Back

I didn't go to Weight Watchers this morning. I know I should have, but I had such a lousy night's sleep that all I wanted to do after taking the boys to school was come home and go back to bed. Unfortunately, by the time I did get back home, I was wide awake. I also couldn't face finding out I'd put even half a pound back on in the past week since I didn't do a great job on my diet. If I'd gone, I probably could have faced it and moved on. There's another meeting tonight, and I might decide to pluck up the courage to go.

I managed to sleep long enough to have strange dreams. Okay, nothing new there. I always have strange dreams. This time I dreamed of David Letterman, Larry Bird, the room in the garage of my parents' house and my old drill team uniform. I knew I'd dream something like that after chatting with Eric yesterday. When we were teenagers, we used to spend hours on the phone (even though we only lived around the corner from each other), until David Letterman came on. Then he had to get off the phone to watch it. At least that's how I remember it. Eric was also a bit fan of Larry Bird from the Boston Celtics. I think he was amazed that I remembered. What I didn't tell him was that I remember when we broke up, he called me playing "Hard for Me to Say I'm Sorry" by Chicago over and over again. If I'd only listened ...

Well, hindsight's 20/20, isn't it? If I only knew then what I know now.

Still, between my chat with Eric and rejoining my high school's forum after about 10 months away, I've decided that one of the first things I'm going to save up for after I get a real job next year (following, I hope, passing all my modules in my third year at university) is a trip to Texas. I'm feeling really homesick now, which is funny because I could probably count the number of times in the past seven and a half years I've been homesick on one hand. I haven't missed living in Texas because I love it here, but I've missed my family and friends, and that seems worse just now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chin up, you...

Firstly, you looked fantastic this weekend, so don't worry about not losing weight every single week. A little blip isn't going to hurt you, and your determination will just make sure you achieve your target for this week.

Secondly, I can understand about the down-in-the dumps after the karting. It's been something that's been built up for so long that it's always going to be a downer when it's gone. Keep on with the Christmas scrapbook, and keep it fresh in your memory!

Thirdly - something to look forward to. Well make that your trip back to Texas! Even if you start planning just little things that you want to see and do while you're over there it'll give you something to look forward to...

K. x

1:04 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Oh, I'll be fine, don't worry! Fo r me, being down means being a bit less like a whirling dervish! LMAO I probably am more bored than "down", and I'm nowhere near being "depressed", though reading back through what I posted, I sound much worse than I am.

My back's feeling better, and I've got a hike planned for tomorrow, so once I'm out and about I'll be back to normal/abnormal! :-)

Thanks, Kate! XXX

1:13 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Hey Kate, I've had a thought! You think that if we do a really good job on the scrapbook, we might get at least a peck on the cheek for a job well done? I mean from Mark, not Dave. :-)

5:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least a peck on the cheek? Are you saying you'd really be aiming for more?! :-p

10:16 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Hey, let me dream, won't ya? ;-)

10:17 pm  

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