28 September 2005

Tom Delay -- Another Sleazy Politician?

According to Representative Tom Delay (R-Texas) in an interview on FOX News (a media outlet I said I would never watch again, but I was curious about this story and it's the only one showing US news at the moment), it's a conspiracy against him.

One of the things that gets me is Delay says he was "extorted" into waiving the statute of limitations on the crime of which he is accused because there was a "runaway grand jury" determined to indict him.

Oh please! This guy is a lawyer! Surely he wouldn't be easily fooled by such tactics.

He says it's a "travesty of justice".

But if the charges in the indictment are true, that's no travesty. I'm going to follow this story closely. It looks like it's going to be interesting.


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