06 October 2005

Nothing Blogworthy

Is blogworthy a word? Well, it is now, on my blog anyway. It pretty much describes how I feel at the moment because, although it's been a very long day, there isn't much to blog about. The dog woke me up at 4.00 am, and I've only dozed since then. Simon and I went to town to get some bits we needed to go hill walking tomorrow only to find out that the weather is going to be crap. Maybe Saturday will be better. I found out that I need to have my dissertation topic narrowed down and a proposal of sorts written by next Wednesday. Malorie has found a replacement for her work experience. I've rediscovered muscles in places I forgot I had muscles after Tae Kwon Do yesterday because they ache.

Not a bad day, but nothing I could (or should) drone on and on about. A mere mention of the above events will suffice for now. How boring is that?


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