11 December 2005

The Christmas Lights Are Breeding

Neighbours from Hell

Do you think they can fit any more on their house, in their garden, or on their fence? Hey, I noticed they haven't put any on their car! They missed a spot!


Blogger Pamela said...

I'm really hoping these people (Bless their Christmas spirit) aren't in a house near you. How in the world would you get any sleep?


7:19 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Unfortunately, these people are directly across the street from me! I took the picture from one of the upstairs windows.

Luckily my bedroom is on the back of the house, and the kids don't mind having a bit of extra light. ;-)

*hugs back*

7:24 pm  
Blogger letti said...

it is pretty, but i wouldn't want them facing my bedroom window either! :) Merry Christmas

5:27 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I've put my laptop at an angle in the living room so I don't have it shining in my face all the time. LOL

9:58 pm  

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