08 December 2005

How'd I Do That?

It's just occurred to me that I lost a pound last week. I know I mentioned it in a post yesterday, but it's only just sinking in. I don't know how I managed it. Last Wednesday I went for a meal with Kate, followed by a few beers. Not the healthiest option, but I was in the mood for it, so I did. I didn't go to the gym at all last week, what with the stomach pains, Ricky and the chicken pox, my cold, coursework ... All not the greatest excuses for not exercising, but suffice it to say I just didn't go. I didn't have much of a work-out in Tae Kwon Do on Saturday because, after the grading, I only stayed for part of the lesson.

I've snacked. Not as much as I did when I was on the other Weight Watchers plan, but I did eat more than my allocated 21 points over the course of the week. So, with beer, little exercise and snacks, how did I manage to still lose a pound?

Okay, I know. It sounds like I'm complaining. I'm not! I promise!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe your metabolism is changing?!

8:49 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

I thought of that. It just seems strange because, at my age, the metabolism usually goes the other way! ;-)

8:51 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

I think that's great! Want to give me some of your metabolism? :P

3:57 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

I'm not entirely sure it's metabolism, or I'd let you have some! It could also be a bit of stress ... :-( I'm hoping for metabolism though. Stress isn't the best way to lose weight!

11:00 am  
Blogger g d townshende said...

::submits vote for metabolism, hoping to keep stress out of office:: I say we start a movement for the rights of Metabolism. Whaddaya think? :P :D It would be a great way to get stress out of our lives, yes? :P

6:10 pm  
Blogger Melinda said...

Less stress, more metabolism. I can live with that! Where do I sign up as a lobbyist?

6:37 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


More metabolism, less stress! That's our motto, and we're proud of it. To join our ranks, simply fill out the form below.

Name _______________
Street _______________
City _______________
Postal Code _______________
Country _______________
Name of First Born Child _______________
Name of the Punching Bag on Whom You'd Like to Take Out Your Stress (thus increasing your metabolism, obviously :P ) _______________
Region Where You'd Like to be a Lobbyist _______________
How Much Time Per Day You Can Devote to Punching Someone: 1 hr | 2 hrs | 3 hrs | 4 hrs | 5+ hrs
How Much You Are Willing to Donate to the Fight (Pun intended, just like the Punches are intended, too): £5 | £10 | £15 | £20 | £25

Punch someone today! Enjoy more metabolism, and a lot less stress.

Visit my site at http://www.more-metabolism-less-stress.com/

8:41 pm  
Blogger g d townshende said...

What? No comment on my "Mock Comment Spam"? :P

3:24 am  
Blogger Melinda said...

Oh, sorry Gary! I had a good giggle over your "spam" but I read it in an email notification, so I forgot to come comment! LMAO

I don't know where my brain has disappeared to lately ...

9:59 pm  

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