14 January 2006

Pointless Celebs Say the Dumbest Things

This first one is just for Kate:

Sara Cox

"I love a man who can kill and cook a pig."

Jodie Marsh

"Is an egg a vegetable?"

Coleen McLoughlin

"There was lots of speculation that I was pregnant when I was pictured in a bikini and had a bit of a tummy. It was all the result of too many big dinners!"

Britney Spears

"I can be in the dumps of dumpsters and go put on a pair of new shoes and then it's OK."> (Makes me wonder where she gets those shoes if she's crawling around in dumpsters ...)

Orlaith McAllister

"Last year no one knew me, now I get free entry to clubs and invites to celebrity parties." (I still don't have a clue who she is!)

From SkyNews Showbiz


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