23 December 2004

Diary Entry

11.06 am I could not make myself wake up this morning, and I ended up opening the shop late. Oh well. Simon just laughed at me when I woke him and told him the time. I didn't sleep very well. Usually I get a few hours of very sound sleep, but I don't think I did last night. The dog woke me up a couple of times wanting to go out, and when my alarm went off this morning (the one I ignored), he was at the foot of the bed trying to crowd me out, so my back aches from sleeping at a funny angle. He has his own bed, but he thinks he's human. I am talking about Mitch, not Simon.

When I got here, I chatted to Pete for a few minutes. I can usually judge what to expect in my day by listening to him because Australia is pretty much on the other side of the world. It's just after 11 am here; it's just after 9 pm there. He said he's had a day of cooking, cleaning and wrapping, and he's absolutely knackered. That sounds like what I have planned, but I probably have more to clean than he does. He's a neat freak -- Dr. Domestos, I call him.

Simon should come up here shortly to relieve me. I still have to wrap my godson Morgan's presents so I can take them to him this afternoon. I have selection boxes for his sisters, Lynn's kids and our four English nephews I need to wrap too. Besides, it's been ages since I've had a chance to visit with Michelle, thanks to uni and the shop, and I can't wait to go sit and have a coffee with her! That's usually more fun than going out drinking because we don't have to shout to hear each other.

4.37 pm That's it, I'm home for the holidays now, apart from running to Marie and Graham's for a drink later and popping round Steve and Lynn's to take them their presents tomorrow night! They've invited us for left over turkey sandwiches, an offer I can't refuse! I've been up to take Morgan his present. He's definitely a cheeky little monkey. He spent ten minutes banging dents into his mum's kitchen table.

I'm on a break from house cleaning. We're expecting a "royal visit" at some point over the weekend, most likely when we are sitting down to eat. I've just scrubbed all of the kitchen apart from the floor (that's the last thing to do), and now it's just a quick dust and vacuum around the living room. After that I'll crack open the choccies! I made sure we have plenty. I'll probably put on a stone over the weekend, but I really don't care. I've earned a mini-vacation, and I'm going to take it in my own home with my chocolate and Baileys and the television. Oh yeah, and Simon, too.

6.32 pm The cleaning is done. Time to relax. Merry Christmas!

9.48 pm We went to Marie and Graham's for "a drink". They bought us a bottle of Bailey's for Christmas and opened a second. I had three large ones. Graham brought out all his little glow stick thingies that he ordered from ebay, lit them all up, then started throwing them at Marie and me, which started off a glow stick war. I have bruises on my legs and face, I'm sure, but we had such a hilarious time! We had to call a truce every time Jak came in the room, but that just made it more fun because whoever he was standing near could still throw them and no one could throw them back. Simon got a bulls eye on the end of my nose, and Graham got a good one on the side of my cheek. I got even though. Graham threw one that landed in Jak's poster paints, so I rubbed all the green paint on the top of his head! But then it was Jak's bedtime, and he wanted his mummy upstairs with him, so the war ended. Graham stuck all the lit up glow sticks in his front garden. I said it must be a landing pad for Santa, but it looked more like a graveyard for aliens!


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