25 December 2004

Diary Entry

12.53 pm I slept later today than I did yesterday! It was noon before I got up. Saying that, I didn't sleep particularly well, and when I did, I had really weird dreams. Nothing new there really, but these dreams were stranger than most. In one of them, I was with three friends, and we were fish who could transform into people when we needed to get out of the water. I don't know where we were trying to go, but we ended up trying to hide from "normal" humans in an ice cream factory. Then the dream changed, and I was getting married in a really posh hotel suite, but first I had to get out of my university, which wasn't really my university but some big skyscraper, because it was on fire. I don't know who I was marrying. I think it was Simon, but I'm not sure because the dream never got that far, and I had to pick something out of my wardrobe to wear. The funniest bit was that one of the boys Malorie fancies, Jamie, who everyone says is gay, was going to be one of my bridesmaids! I do have some strange dreams, and they're always in colour. I know they say you don't dream in colour, but I do. It's just like watching television.

There's been a massive earthquake and tidal waves in Asia, and thousands of people have been killed. My god. I checked to see if Australia had been affected. I'm heartbroken for the people in Asia, but I actually know people in Australia and wanted to be sure they're safe. So far no news that the tidal waves have gone in that direction. I'm sorry to say my geographical knowledge of that area is crap. American schools don't really focus on countries other than the US.

We never had our "royal visit" yesterday, and Lynn never rang for us to go around. Still, it was a very relaxing day!

6.19 pm Simon was making plans to go out with Allan tonight, but after he told Allan I can't be the taxi because I've had a couple of drinks, suddenly it doesn't seem like Al's so keen on going out after all. It was one of the best and one of the worst things passing my driving test!

We had our turkey dinner tonight. I wasn't really very hungry though. I've been snacking on crackers and cream cheese all afternoon because my stomach's a bit raw and my head is pounding. Not drink related. I only had a glass of wine with dinner yesterday.

Daniel made it this afternoon, and I think he liked his presents. We told him we'd get him either two new Playstation or two new computer games. It was easier than picking out some he already has or isn't interested in.


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