24 December 2004

Diary Entry

10.23 pm Whoa, I definitely drank too much last night! I wasn't feeling too well all night! I'm better now, but woke up with a banging head! That is, when I finally did wake up at 10.30 this morning. I had a nap this evening for an hour and a half as well!

It's been very quiet all day. We haven't laid eyes on anyone else. Roy and Doz were supposed to come by but didn't, and Lynn was supposed to ring when they got home so we could go round, but she didn't. I think Simon's bored. He said he wasn't going to go on his computer today, and now he's on chatting to his mates. He woke up early this morning swearing at the dog because, even though we both let him out in the middle of the night, he didn't want to go out in the cold. Instead he had a shit in Simon's office. He's such a wimp! It wasn't even snowing then! I didn't get to see the snow because it had melted by the time I got up. There has been a lot of snow around the country though. We've just had rain and some ice forming on the cars. It's a shame we didn't have proper snow. After that glow stick fight we had at Marie and Graham's last night, I'd have loved to have been able to throw snowballs at Simon and the dog today!

The boys rang this morning to tell me about the masses of presents they had to open this morning. Needless to say neither one of them really wanted to talk to me. They had more important things to do. Presents to unwrap, people to torture.

My mum phoned too. They were just loading the car up to go to Erin's.

We had a nice meal of Swiss steak, new potatoes in cream sauce and Brussel sprouts. I have a turket in the oven now. That's our Boxing Day dinner. I've had a bit to drink, but not much. A glass of wine with dinner and now a bit of pina colada.

Ah well, I wanted a relaxing day, and that's what I've had. Apart from a bit of cooking and doing the dishes, I've done nothing but watch television and play on the PS2. I'm getting there with the Sims, but still have a long way to go! I want to finish it soon so I'm not tempted to play when I should be studing and writing essays next week!


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